Thank you supporters and donors. We purchased our Autismobile!

Thank you supporters and donors. We purchased our Autismobile!



The Autismobile is a recreational vehicle (RV) that will be converted into a classroom-like activity unit. The space will be physically divided into separate personalized workspaces designed for specific activities, such as a creative space, an area to practice life skills, somewhere to decompress, and more. Caregivers will reserve the Autismobile in advance for 60- or 90-minute sessions. This time will bring a temporary respite for caregivers to enjoy time free of responsibility without leaving their home.

The Autismobile is…

  • For people ages 5 to 21 that have been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder

  • RV icon

    A recreational vehicle (RV) that has been converted into a mobile interactive space

  • Thinking icon

    Equipped with activities and tools to improve the skills of those with autism

How does it work?

  • Caregivers reserve the Autismobile in advance for 60- or 90-minute sessions

  • Autism Wings trained staff drives the Autismobile to the client’s home and parks in a client-provided, meter-free, legal parking space

  • The caregiver brings the child with autism to the Autismobile and leaves them in the care of our trained staff. The caregiver returns to their home for the duration of the service

In the Autismobile, one can…

  • Improve use of both fine and gross motor skills

  • Enjoy structured or unstructured play

  • Use pragmatic language

  • Engage in verbal and nonverbal communication and conversational skills

  • Communicate what they need or want

  • Practice life skills